2023 Portfolio, as Engine Tech Generalist

A lot of things happened in 2023.

My life has had a remarkable change once again, as I’ve left NetEase Games and landed in Canada, to start my research on Computer Graphics at University of Victoria.

The transition happened unbelievably smooth. I resigned at NetEase in June and was immediately invited by my previous classmate, Qixuan Zhang, to his newly founded startup company, Deemos Technology. I’ve done 4-month of contracted full time job as a graphics programmer and it was literally perfect for the transitional period, as I could lay back doing my Canada trip preparation as well as re-familiarize myself with Computer Graphics in game engines.

The life in Victoria is exactly what I like. A serene, undisturbed rural town, embraced by the nature. I feel like I’m slowly regaining all the artistic spirit I’ve lost during the days spent in the supercity, Shanghai.

Now, please enjoy the following 3 minutes watching the stuff I’ve made & improved during 2023. (NOTE: The commercial content in it has already been released in the live game and I am not required to comply to the NDA on this item.)

I’m consistently loving to make audio/graphics programming demos as making them feels very rewarding. Each line of code you wrote is visual or audible, the creative process is always filled with sense of achievement.

Now, time to plan for the next year.

The first priority is of course my degree. I did pretty well and received straight-A in school, but the research job hasn’t really started yet. The course load is still heavy until May.

About the same time, my industrial mentor and previous manager, Mr. Brian is relocating to the US. I’ll seek his mentorship once again this summer, and if possible, entering his team once again as a trusted member. Working with him is one of the most memorable experiences in my life, the man is diligent, friendly and holds a strong sense of duty for his leadership. He’s reliable and always in high spirit, and when I feel blue during my career, a talk with him will almost certainly cheer me up.

As for the demos, I would love to continue my journey of audio programming alongside my main focus of research.

I’m starting to learn JUCE framework deeper, and I think a good starting point is make some procedural sound generator with it and link it with Unity. Rains/Wind/Thunder could be a good candidate. Then, I’ll learn some Unreal and the process of bridging JUCE with it.

Lastly, theMaister’s tone filter has sparked my interest long ago but I did not have the time and background knowledge to implement it in JUCE. This summer can be a good time to put some work to it.

So, that’s my 2023. Continue to excel in 2024.

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